Belief Alchemist

Do you feel that you’re not FULLY connected to your own PERSONAL POWER?

Do you find yourself easily pulled into states of fear and anxiety?

Do you intuitively feel that there’s something you should be doing in the world, but you lack the confidence to go out and do it?

Are you interested in discovering your life’s purpose?

Have you spent many hours wondering what life’s all about and wishing you could do something meaningful and fulfilling?

Are you frustrated with your own procrastination?

Feeling as if something stands in the way of you and stepping into your power, but you’re unsure of what it is?

Have you felt that if only you knew what your purpose was you could begin to fly in life and make a really positive contribution? Would you like to feel confident, positive, motivated and in the driving seat of your own life? If you’ve answered yes to any of the above questions you’re in the right place!

The key to a confident, successful and happy life lies in both the way you use your mind and in your Beliefs!

“Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself.“Robert Coller

How can I help?

People live and breathe every day in accordance with their beliefs about themselves and the world. These beliefs are ‘wired in’ during childhood and many of them operate at an unconscious level whilst very powerfully dictating our thoughts and actions. So every day we are driven by deep seated beliefs many of which are UNTRUE and we are unaware of!

Belief Alchemist was written after many years of working with clients who had suffered difficult childhoods and after many years of study how the mind works at it best!



If we could change our limiting beliefs and behavioural patterns through our thinking we would all have done that already and life would be straight forward!

Unfortunately you can’t think your way out of unconscious limiting beliefs.

Many of our limiting beliefs were wired in during childhood and are hiding away in our subconscious minds operating out of our awareness.

So what can you do? Read on!

So, firstly we need to become aware of the limiting beliefs in our subconscious, and then we need to change them.

To permanently change a belief requires integration (or agreement) between the subconscious mind (where the belief lives) and the conscious mind, through which we act out our beliefs.

Without this agreement, we find ourselves torn with one part of us ready to go! And the other part feeling inadequate and fearful, resulting in a constant battle between different parts of our mind which can be exhausting!


A good example of this is procrastination.

Your conscious mind knows your capabilities and wants to get on with things! However, lurking in your unconscious you may be carrying a limiting belief that you don’t deserve success…

This causes procrastination because until both your conscious and subconscious mind AGREE, you remain stuck in a holding pattern.

The exercises and techniques in Belief Alchemist work at both a conscious and subconscious level. They not only help you to change conscious limiting beliefs, they also allow you to access your hidden subconscious beliefs and to upgrade them to positive beliefs! 

Allowing you to in effect re-programme yourself with the truth of who you are! This changes your core identity from negative to positive which will leave you free to be your true authentic self!

Feeling confident, empowered and ready to live a rewarding and fulfilling life!

Belief Alchemist will help you to:

  • Develop the awareness of the way your mind works to stop your mind from being hijacked by fear and anxiety
  • Understand how your mind works at its best so that you are able to use your creativity to manifest the life you want
  • Understand how beliefs are created
  • Learn how to become aware of and change limiting beliefs
  • Release self-consciousness
  • Recognise and release victim mentality
  • Move from feelings of shame to self-acceptance
  • Release yourself from self-sabotage patterns
  • Become aware of your unique gifts and abilities
  • Become your true authentic self!
  • Identify and begin living your life’s purpose!

As a result of going through this process you can expect to gain:

  • Clarity
  • Confidence
  • Authenticity
  • Motivation
  • A sense of direction & purpose
  • Success!
Belief Alchemist is the equivalent of many therapy sessions all bundled up into one clear and straightforward user manual for your mind!

It includes:

  • Insight into how your mind works
  • Belief changing techniques that work at both a conscious and subconscious level.
  • Instructions on how to make the most of your mind
  • Worksheets to help you to gain clarity and to monitor your progress

You get to decide how and when you want to do the change work. This not only allows you to take things at your own pace over a period of weeks or months, it also saves you a lot of time and money!

For an introductory investment of just $ you will receive all you need to begin your journey towards positive authenticity and success!


‘I walked into Maria’s room a mess, a broken individual.

Life had provided so much for me, but I was unable to enjoy it, paralysed by insecurities, low self-esteem, avoidance strategies and plagued by self-sabotage. I was unable to realise any potential because I carried around some unconscious guilt that I didn’t deserve happiness or rather I just wasn’t used to normal feelings of balance, acceptance and positive self-esteem.

Maria, transformed my life and put me in a place where I can not only enjoy my life, but am happy to explore and embrace the opportunities that are open to me. I had always considered myself to be perceptive and intuitive capable of a spiritual existence. Maria made me work, she had at her disposal tool techniques that surprised me, shook me to the core, and awakened me to my true self.‘


‘I came to see Maria at a very difficult time in my life. All of my three long term relationships had ended badly. I blamed myself for these failures and had a set of issues I’d brought from childhood experiences into these relationships. I felt something had to change, I had no sense of who I was or where I was going in my life.

I’m quite a spiritual person, my view of life doesn’t exactly fit with mainstream ideas. I was nervous about seeing a therapist because I struggle with mainstream psychology, it doesn’t work for me. I find it somehow scripted and condescending.

My fears however were put to rest in my first therapy session with Maria. Maria is instantly likeable, very friendly and authentic.

Maria exudes confidence in what she does. She genuinely cares, has a great sense of humour and instantly put me at ease. I was in a bad place when I first saw Maria and now when I look at my life it’s completely different. It’s like I’m a different person, I’m more confident in myself and my own abilities. Before I was largely dependent on other people and now I stand very much on my own with great confidence that I’m moving in the right direction.

With Marias positive attitude, professionalism and my own hard work and determination we worked together to change my life completely. I couldn’t thank Maria enough for what she has done for me.’


‘I have known Maria Jordan McMahon in a professional capacity for 3 years and would highly recommend her as an extremely competent Therapist and Practitioner.

Her attention to detail and aptitude to get to the heart of the matter is an incredible catalyst for authentic self-development.’ 
